Visits Radiology Stories for Children

These stories is for you to enjoy to help explain what it is like to have a scan in Nuclear Medicine or Ultrasound. Click on the front cover to load the story.

Making Radiology Fun

Making Radiology Fun Stories for children visiting Radiology written by a former radiology department assistant and current Nuclear Medicine Assistant Practitioner with a keen interest in helping children have a stress free and fun time during their scans. The series of books has started with Gammasaurus Ray Visits Nuclear Medicine, but Soundasaurus Wave is in…


Elena Kelf
I have been an assistant in radiology since 2011 and I am a Mum of three. This story was made to help make having scans more familiar to the children needing them, hopefully making it an easier experience for both child and parents or carers.


Chris Walker

I have been working in Nuclear Medicine for 5 years. Contributing towards this book by coming up with the cast of characters has been my pleasure and a thoroughly enjoyable part of looking after our patients, no matter how young.


Tanya Ellen Wonnacott
I am a part time illustrator, photographer and jewellery maker.

If you would like to contact me email me at:

Visits Radiology Stories for Children